what is java

 In we learn about what is java and types of java and many more things

What is Java?

Java is a programming language and a stage. Java is an undeniable level, powerful, object-situated and secure programming language.

what is java

Java was created by Sun Microsystems (which is currently the auxiliary of Prophet) in the year 1995. James Gosling is known as the dad of Java. Before Java, its name was Oak. Since Oak was at that point an enrolled organization, so James Gosling and his group changed the name from Oak to Java.

Stage: Any equipment or programming climate where a program runs, is known as a stage. Since Java has a runtime climate (JRE) and Programming interface, it is known as a stage.

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Java Model

We should have a brief glance at Java programming model. A definite depiction of Hi Java model is accessible in next page.


class Simple{  

    public static void main(String args[]){  

     System.out.println("Hello Java");  



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As indicated by Sun, 3 billion gadgets run Java. There are numerous gadgets where Java is as of now utilized. Some of them are as per the following:

1 Work area Applications like stunt-devil peruse, media player, antivirus, and so on.

2 Web Applications, for example, irctc.co.in, javatpoint.com, and so on.

3 Endeavor Applications like financial applications.

4 Portable

5 Inserted Framework

6 Brilliant Card

7 Mechanical technology

8 Games, and so on.

9 Sorts of Java Applications

10 There are principally 4 sorts of utilizations that can be made utilizing Java programming:

1) Independent Application

Independent applications are otherwise called work area applications or window-based applications. These are customary programming that we want to introduce on each machine. Instances of independent application are Media player, antivirus, and so forth. AWT and Swing are utilized in Java for making independent applications.

2) Web Application

An application that sudden spikes in demand for the server side and makes a powerful page is known as a web application. At present, Servlet


, Swaggers

, Spring

, Sleep


, and so, on advancements are utilized for making web applications in Java.

3) Endeavor Application

An application that is dispersed in nature, like financial applications, and so forth is called a venture application. It enjoys benefits like undeniable level security, load adjusting, and grouping. In Java, EJB

is utilized for making endeavor applications.

4) Portable Application

An application which is made for cell phones is known as a portable application. At present, Android and Java ME are utilized for making versatile applications.

Java Stages/Versions

There are 4 stages or versions of Java:

1) Java SE (Java Standard Version)

It is a Java programming stage. It incorporates Java programming APIs, for example, java.lang, java.io, java.net, java.util, java.sql, java.math and so on. It incorporates center subjects like Oh no, String

, Regex, Special case, Inward classes, Multithreading, I/O Stream, Systems administration, AWT, Swing, Reflection, Assortment, and so on.

2) Java EE (Java Undertaking Release)

An endeavor stage is chiefly used to foster web and undertaking applications. It is based on top of the Java SE stage. It incorporates themes like Servlet, JSP, Web Administrations, EJB, JPA

, and so on.

3) Java ME (Java Miniature Version)

A miniature stage is devoted to portable applications.

4) JavaFX

Creating rich web applications is utilized. It utilizes a lightweight UI Programming interface.


To learn Java, you should have the essential information on C/C++ programming language.


Our Java programming instructional exercise is intended to help novices and experts.


We guarantee that you won't track down any issue in this Java instructional exercise. Nonetheless, assuming there is any misstep, kindly post the issue in the contact structure.

Do You Be aware?

What is the distinction among JRE and JVM?

What is the motivation behind JIT compiler?

Might we at any point save the java source document with no name?

Why java utilizes the idea of Unicode framework?

What will we realize in Fundamentals of Java?

History of Java

Elements of Java

Hi Java Program

Program Inner

How to set way?

Contrast among JDK, JRE and JVM

Inner Subtleties of JVM

Variable and Information Type

Unicode Framework


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what is java

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