what is python | | what is python programming language

 In this blog we know about what is python what is python used for and many more things if you interested what is python programming so read article carefully.

 what is python | | what is python programmin 

what is python

Python is the object-oriented programming language. it is easy to use for beginner because python most
popular language in the world this language use multi platforms it can be use wide range of application
in different fields, machine learning, web, artificial intelligence and more platforms. 

Why we should learn Python

Because python is easy to understand and run many platforms this language is very trending nowadays
and it demands very high so these reasons you should definitely learn python.

History of python

In 1989, Guido van Rossum working in nether land. He decided he makes a language to improve 
the computer faults of the most one of his times. Five and half year later he released a language
it called 'python'.

By 2011, python was most taught computer language in the world. A few years later it became the de facto standard for researchers in the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence fields, likely due to its ease of use and readability

Lots of Job Opportunities with High Salaries for Python Developers

Python is the most demanding language in the world due its simplicity and versatility. In fact, the 
average python programmer salary in United State is $ 108,043/year.

If you’re considering becoming a freelance web developer, Python can also lead you to lucrative job opportunities. According to a survey on the highest paying programming languages for freelancers in 2022, Python is number one on the list, with an average rate of $55-60/hour.

What is Python Web App Development? 

Python applications are used on web in two platforms, Flask and Django Flask cleaner and simple 
easy for beginner. Django has more feature.

If you come from a JavaScript background, Flask is to Django what Express is to Nest.

What Is Flask?

All the more explicitly, Cup is a "microweb structure." It's much more modest than your typical standard filled instrument. It requires no external libraries or parts and is assembled altogether on vanilla Python.
Be that as it may, you can without much of a stretch blend in outsider devices for added viability.

Cup is intended for quick application improvement. It's great for prototyping a novel thought prior to sorting through it all the more totally in a greater system like Django.

what is python programming

What is Django?

How popular is Django, Python's most notable web structure?

Instagram, the virtual diversion goliath, scaled to a million clients on Django. It's at present used by Pinterest, Udemy, Spotify, and Dropbox. That is the means by which notable. Django is an open-source framework "for nitpickers with deadlines," as demonstrated by its docs. It's cross-stage and works outstandingly on Windows and Mac.

Django depends on a MVC model, short for Model-Watcher Controller. MVC is an unprecedented model in programming, the goal of which is to confine the concerns of a web application into its three separate parts.

Where Can a Developer Learn Python?

We are live in golden age of information every information index on internet you can learn from 
many platforms you watch YouTube tutorials you search on google you can also learn from many
famous site.

What about utilizing Python on GitHub Despite the fact that there are a lot of sources to utilize and learn Python, for instance, online reference books, video instructional exercises, and sites, designers can likewise consider GitHub a dependable source to learn Python.

At last, awesome to become familiar with any programming language make a few significant things and make a
Mechanization script, a basic Programming interface and making a web scrubber.

What Can You Build with Python?

As a universally useful language, the response is: basically anything! Python succeeds when you have an intricate errand you want to streamline, a short content to run, or a huge dataset you want to control.

Simple scripts for automating workflows

Web scrapers to harvest internet data

Standalone binaries (i.e., apps) using Py Installer

High-powered web apps and REST APIs using Flask or Django

Machine learning programs and artificial intelligence

"Glue code" that connects software in different languages

Trading apps that manage money

Open-source software development

That is just a glimpse of something larger! Python programming language is effectively utilized across all spaces of contemporary software engineering. Since Python improvement is more productive than most different dialects it is a famous decision for new companies, where changes to the codebase should be made rapidly and inexpensively.

Hopefully this blog clears your many questions about python you have any question do comment 
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Thank you for reading

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