what is computer || what is pc

In this blog we learn about what is computer and what is pc and what is computer software some more 
things like what does CPU stand for what is motherboard

what is a computer

A PC is a programmable gadget that stores, recovers, and cycles information. The expression "PC" was initially given to people (human PCs) who performed mathematical computations utilizing mechanical number crunchers, for example, the math device and slide rule. The term was subsequently given to mechanical gadgets as they started supplanting human PCs. The present PCs are electronic gadgets that acknowledge information (input), process that information, produce result, and store (stockpiling) the outcomes (Initial public offerings).

what is computer

History of computer 

The first computer is made for hard calculation and solving problems the first digital computer was ENIAC. it was built during first World War 1943-1946 and was designed to help and automate the calculation they could achieve results much faster and with fewer errors.

Early computer like ENIAC used vacuum tubes were large size and only use on universities business
or governments offices some time ago computer used transistors they smaller and cheaper.   

How computer works in present

Today's computer is very popular most of the people have a computer because computer do most complicated much simpler

For example, you can write a letter in a software called word processor you do video call send email many more things.

What components make up a desktop computer?

The present workstations have some or every one of the parts (equipment) and peripherals underneath. As innovation propels, more seasoned innovations, for example, a floppy plate drive and Compressed media drive (displayed beneath), are not generally needed or included.

Case or Chassis
Case Fan
Optical drive: Blu-ray, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, or DVD.
CPU (processor)
Floppy disk drive
Hard drive
RAM (random access memory)
Monitor, LCD, or another display device.
Network card
Power Supply
Sound card
Video card

what is pc

What parts are needed for a computer to work?

A PC doesn't need every one of the parts referenced previously. Be that as it may, a PC can't work without having at the extremely least the parts recorded underneath.

Processor - Part that executes directions from the product and equipment.
Memory - Impermanent essential stockpiling for information going between the capacity and computer processor.
Motherboard (with locally available video) - Part that interfaces all parts.
Capacity gadget (e.g., hard drive) - More slow auxiliary stockpiling that for all time stores information.

computer connections 

Every computer has different types of connection an example of the back of a personal computer and brief descriptions of each connection is found on our computer connections page.

Types of computers

There are three types of computers

1 Gerneral purpose 

2 special-purpose computers

3 specialized computers

A broadly useful PC is a great many people's thought process of while pondering a PC and is what this page covers.


A special purpose computer is mostly used computer because almost all electronic devices use special computer. This computer is made for specific task like ATM TV and VCR and many electronic items.

A specialized computer same as general purpose computer but its only to perform many tasks 

While discussing a PC or a "PC," you're generally alluding to a personal computer tracked down in a home or office. Be that as it may, the lines of what makes these PCs are obscuring. The following are various instances of what's viewed as a PC today.

Some computers many different classification 

Custom-built PC

Desktop computer

Diskless workstation and thin client

Gaming computer

Hybrid computer

Laptop, portable, notebook computer



Nano computer



Personal computer

Prebuilt computer

Quantum computer



Stick computer



Who makes computers?

the PC (IBM viable) and Apple Macintosh. Many organizations make and fabricate laptops, and on the off chance that you get every one of the fundamental parts for a PC, you could construct a custom PC. In any case, with Mac PCs, just Mac plans and makes these PCs. See our PC organizations page for a posting of organizations (OEMs) that make and construct PCs.

what is computer software

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