Top 10 computer viruses of all time

Top 10 computer viruses of all time-Computer viruses are malicious software programs that can infect your computer and cause damage, such as deleting important files, stealing sensitive information, or rendering your computer useless. Cybercriminals have created increasingly sophisticated viruses over the years that are harder to detect and remove. This article lists the top ten most dangerous computer viruses of all time.

Top ten worst computer viruses of all time


The ILOVEYOU virus used to be one of the most devastating viruses of all time. It originated in the Philippines in 2000 and unfold shortly round the world by means of email. The virus disguised itself as a love letter and was once so convincing that many humans opened the attachment besides hesitation. Once opened, the virus would overwrite documents and unfold itself to different computers, inflicting hundreds of thousands of bucks in damages.

2.MyDoom Virus

The MyDoom virus, which seemed in 2004, was once the fastest-spreading e-mail worm of all time. It was once designed to create a backdoor in contaminated computers, permitting hackers to get right of entry to them remotely. It additionally launched a dispensed denial of carrier (DDoS) assault in opposition to the internet site of software program enterprise SCO Group, inflicting tens of millions of greenbacks in damages.

3.Melissa Virus

The Melissa virus, which first regarded in 1999, used to be a macro virus that unfold by using email. The virus would infect Microsoft Word files and ship itself to the first 50 contacts in the user's tackle book. It triggered substantial disruption to e-mail structures and was once estimated to have brought on over $80 million in damages.

4.WannaCry Ransomware

Top ten worst computer viruses of all time

The WannaCry ransomware assault was once one of the greatest and most adverse cyber assaults in history. It first regarded in 2017 and centered computer systems jogging Microsoft Windows. The ransomware would encrypt archives on the contaminated pc and demand a ransom fee in alternate for the decryption key. It precipitated good sized disruption to corporations and groups round the world, together with the UK's National Health Service.

5.Code Red Worm

The Code Red worm, which seemed in 2001, was once a kind of pc worm that exploited a vulnerability in Microsoft IIS net servers. It would infect computer systems and launch a DDoS assault towards the White House website. The virus precipitated thousands and thousands of greenbacks in damages and slowed down web site visitors round the world.

6.Stuxnet Worm

The Stuxnet worm used to be a fantastically state-of-the-art virus that focused Iran's nuclear program. It used to be designed to infiltrate the country's nuclear amenities and motive harm to centrifuges used in uranium enrichment. The virus was once believed to be the work of the US and Israeli governments and was once one of the first cyber assaults to have bodily consequences.

7.Zeus Trojan

The Zeus Trojan, which first seemed in 2007, is a kind of banking Trojan that is designed to steal touchy economic information. The virus is unfold by means of phishing emails and can seize login credentials and different non-public information. The Zeus Trojan has been accountable for the theft of tens of millions of greenbacks from financial institution bills round the world.

8.Conficker Worm

The Conficker worm, which seemed in 2008, was once a kind of pc worm that exploited a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows. The virus would infect computer systems and create a botnet that ought to be managed remotely by way of hackers. It prompted enormous disruption to laptop structures round the world and was once estimated to have contaminated over 10 million computers.

9.CryptoLocker Ransomware

Top ten worst computer viruses of all time

The Crypto Locker ransomware, which first seemed in 2013, was once a kind of ransomware that would encrypt archives on the contaminated pc and demand a ransom price in change for the decryption key. The virus was once unfold by using phishing emails and brought about tens of millions of bucks in damages.

10.Sasser Worm

The Sasser worm, which first regarded in 2004, was once a kind of laptop worm that exploited a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows. The virus would infect computer systems via scanning for inclined machines on the web and then robotically downloading and walking itself on these machines. Once infected, the worm would purpose the pc to crash or reboot repeatedly, making it almost unusable

 There are most dangerous top ten worst computer viruses of all time.

Thank you for reading.

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